Spider Plant - Care & Growing Guide

The spider plant is an incredibly popular houseplant. Their scientific name is Chlorophytum comosum but we like to call her Bonnie the spider plant. Other common names include airplane plant, spider ivy and ribbon plant. Naturally found in South and West Africa these fast-growing beauties have captivated the hearts of the british public and can often be spotted amongst any plant enthusiast collection. There are over 200 species of Chlorophytum comosum which all have very similar care so our tips can be applied to any species of spider plant. 

Here are our best plant care tips to help keep Bonnie the spider plant looking and feeling her best. 

Keep The Curly Spider Plant In The Shade

Like many houseplants, spider plants are particularly sensitive to bright or direct light. Spider plants can easily get burned or scorched from the heat which is why it’s best to keep any spider plant away from your windowsill. If your spider plant is burned, the leaves will start to pale and thin out. 

The good news is that spider plants are very resilient and will bounce back from burns but you may lose some of the foliage giving your spider plant a very sparse look. 

The ideal spot for any spider plant is about a metre away from an east or west-facing window. In my experience spider plants can even tolerate a north facing window provided there is plenty of natural light.

How often do I need to water Bonnie The Curly Spider Plant?

Spider plants are a terrific beginner plant because they won’t fuss too much over their watering conditions. 

To an extent, spider plants are fairly drought tolerant. It’s not a good idea to allow the soil to completely dry out although they are certainly hardy enough to bounce back after a missed watering day.

How often you water Bonnie the spider plant will depend on her lighting conditions and the weather outside. In the winter months Bonnie the spider plant can go up to 10-14 days without water especially if she is placed in a room with medium or less natural light due the days being shorter. 

However in the summer her watering schedule may increase to once or twice a week. It’s very important to never water her without checking the first 1-2 inches of her soil to confirm they are dry. 

A common tell sign that your spider plant needs a drink is paling or light green leaves. You can also pick up her nursery pot and if it feels very light then there’s a good chance the spider plant has absorbed most of the water available. 

If you’re still unsure on how often to water Bonnie the spider plant check out our ‘4 important ways to tell if your plant needs watering’ blog.

Filtered water, please!

One of the most common questions we get asked at Quirky Plants is ‘why are Bonnie’s tips turning brown?’ This is very common and can be caused by a couple of things but the most common has to be the type of water you use to hydrate Bonnie. 

To avoid browning tips, we recommend using filtered, rain or dehumidifier water. The chemicals found in tap water can upset the spider plant's root system and as a result will turn the tips of her beautiful foliage brown. This will however very much depend on where you are in the world. Some water is softer than others but we like to be on the safe side and only water our spider plants with filtered water. 

Other possible reasons for browning leaves could be not enough water or lack of humidity. 

Don’t forget humidity 

Bonnie the spider plant is a tropical beauty and will thrive in a humid climate. The ideal humidity level for any spider plant is between 50-60%. Most indoor humidity levels are between 40-50% and so to increase humidity we recommend using a humidifier, pebble tray or buying plants that will release humidity into the air like Hamish the boston fern, Eraser the rubber plant, baby palm and Lily and peace lily.  If the environment in your home is too dry then you may notice your spider plant’s leaves starting to brown or become thin and crispy.

For more information about increasing humidity in your home check out our blog with the best tricks on increasing the humidity around your spider plant’s environment.

Bonnie the spider plant is a beautiful plant with plenty of personality. We hope our plant care tips are able to keep yours looking fresh and vibrant for years to come. Check out our Instagram, TikTok and Pinterest accounts where we post plant care tips and tricks regularly.


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